Outstanding New Employee Award
Michelle Forbes, Residential Education & Housing
Staff of the Year Award – Nominated by Students
Juana Gloria Gould, Building Services
Staff of the Year Award – Nominated by Faculty
Dianne Miles, World Languages & Cultures
Staff of the Year Award – Nominated by Staff
Alex Wehrenberg, Residential Education & Housing
Unsung Hero Award
Kevin Potucek, Communication Studies
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Award
Amy Schuler, Office of the Dean of Education
Lifetime Achievement Award
Janice Vermeychuk, Student Health Services
Innovation and Change Award
The Entire TCNJ Staff: The inaugural selection of this award is dedicated to all TCNJ Staff for their work during this unprecedented time, and the innovation and willingness to change that has continued to move TCNJ forward.
Staff Development and Recognition Committee 2021
Christopher Larthey (Chair), IT Enterprise Infrastructure
Melissa Andreas, Brower Student Center
Carolyn Jutkiewicz, Finance & Business Services
Mary Lehr-Furtado, School of Business
Devon Manfredo, Office of the Treasurer
Anne Marie Maratea, School of Humanities & Social Sciences
Jamie Sirover, General Counsel
Christine Stellerine, Student Affairs
Members At Large
Katie Caperna, Records & Registration
Stephen Tomkiel, Admissions
Valerio Ungarini, Building Services
Kimberly Woods, Office of Human Resources